Just another brain-dead techie with views on everything under the sun!

Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Dell Support goes back to US... no wait, it doesn't!!

After the early reports that Dell would be shifting jobs from Bangalore to US, the "I-told-you-so" brigade wore smug expressions on their face as if their predictions had ultimately come true... predictions that Americans would never take to the American accents forced out of Indian mouths.

But unfortunately for them, Dell immediately issued denials stating that there were no plans to shut shop in India and take jobs back to the US. The media, hungry for some news to quell the ever-growing unrest among the unemployed masses back home had reported the news, about customer complaints to Dell, without checking it out thoroughly.

So in the end... Metafilter posts like this one end up looking foolish!


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Sameer/Male/27. Hails from India/Maharashtra/Mumbai/Prabhadevi, speaks Marathi, English and Hindi. Spends 60% of daytime online. Uses a Faster (1M+) connection. And likes Reading/Computers.