Just another brain-dead techie with views on everything under the sun!

Tuesday, June 17, 2003

SCO has been hogging media footage recently with its statements about IBM's Unix license and Linux. The Big Blue has maintained a dignified silence through the ordeal as lots of other wannabes have jumped on the bandwagon set rolling by SCO.

Now IBM has decided not to bow to SCO threats as it has released a press statement that is short and to the point.
IBM's Unix license is irrevocable, perpetual and fully paid up. It cannot be terminated. This matter will eventually be resolved in the normal legal process.


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Sameer/Male/27. Hails from India/Maharashtra/Mumbai/Prabhadevi, speaks Marathi, English and Hindi. Spends 60% of daytime online. Uses a Faster (1M+) connection. And likes Reading/Computers.